Monday, December 30, 2019

The Creator's Family PLAN

The PLAN of "Scientist"-God

HEADLINE: Ecclesiastes 3:14 I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him. 

God is the GREAT "SCIENTIST", who decided to create a FAMILY so large and massive that the numbers cannot be counted by man.  Equally challenging was finding a method to educate and train that massive number in His nature and ways and the nature of Mother Wisdom.  What men call "the scientific method" today is the part of the PLAN God uses to achieve this ambitious goal.  He decided to teach us by precept and example using positive and negative reinforcement, while we interact with good and evil experiences to guide us into making the best choices for peace and tranquility.  To accomplish this He needed a negative force to insure that the children would experience the direct opposite of His nature so that a comparison and contrast to it can be part of the education equation.  Since nothing existed at this early point in God's reasoning, He had to create everything out of Himself because He is LIFE, the only existing entity or thing.  Before anything began He planned the "negative tools" we call the Powers of Darkness to supply the contrasting experience to His nature.  All the details of each child's role and script throughout the generations this exercise will take place, were PLANNED to the very END.  When He had carefully considered all contingencies that could result from His PLAN and determined that the PLAN was sound, then He began to activate the creation.  First He divided Himself into two parts.  Mother Wisdom was created as His companion.  She looked similar, to Him, but She had breasts and became the pattern "mother" for the female gender.  God told Her His PLAN and about the FAMILY.  He wooed Her and showed Her what He can do.  There was what scientists call "the BIG BANG" and the cosmos and the heavens making up the universe was sent spiraling away in all directions.  When She agreed to the PLAN to make duplicate pairs of themselves called "the FAMILY", God began to create the children as duplicate pairs (twins) in Her womb.

God decided upon a ruse to make the "negative tools" and then relocate them out of Heaven to a place called "the bottomless pit" of hell.  The "tools" are a female called Babylon and her son, Lucifer.  These two started a family and God and Wisdom also started a family.  Naturally friction arose between both families, and they had to be separated.  You already know the basic details of what transpired.  The Powers of Darkness rebelled against God's rules.  A trial was held and they were found guilty.  Then they were remanded to a holding-pen called "Hell", and the bottomless-pit.  A WAR ensued and Michael and his angels fought "the Dragon", and the family of "negative tools" were cast into hell.  This also doubles as the "Outer Court" where their trial continues.  Here is where God's genius shows the deftness of His cunning.  He built a stage on the floor of the Outer Court called planet Earth.  Here is where devils provide a "gauntlet" where His children will be "exercised" against the negative forces of the invisible prisoners.  TWO STEPS are part of God's PLAN to train the children to choose His nature and ways.  Each child gets a set number of days to face-off with devils in clay-form inside a human body or "clay-cocoon".  Devils do MAR men in clay-form making men express their strength to resist marring or they fail in weakness and fall to SIN before superior demonic force.  At the end of each child's time, he takes his last breath and hears Jesus call his TRUE NAME.  IMMEDIATELY the spirit child in the clay is lifted to Paradise like a bolt of lightning.  This happens so fast that his flesh and bones are left in the same spot where he heard Jesus calling him.  Demons in and on his body and bundled with him as a living human, then fall out in every direction hoping to grab a new flesh and blood life-form as they fall away.

So God's basic PLAN is very simple.  It is described in Psalms 19:1-6.  Each day the sun rises and travels across the sky.  In the evening it sets and goes down seemingly beneath the ground on the western horizon.  That is not the end of the sun because it is causing a new day on the other side of the world.  After a few hours of darkness, the sun rises again as a new day in the part of the world where you live.  This process shows us what Father is doing.  He plants new "holy seed" from the Chamber of stars in the wombs of human mothers.  After nine months or so, an infant is born.  This is son-sun rise on planet Earth.  Devils in the pit then grab the new person's body and claim it as "my house".  As the new child grows and develops, devils wrestle and condition him to respond and obey them doing their bidding of evil and wicked deeds.  This is "gauntlet training" as the days pass and he heads to his personal western horizon.  All the children God created have a specific number written in the Family Registry, or BOOK OF LIFE.  God sows His children by number.  The number of children God plants in the clay field on Earth is the same number He reaps and achieves in the ABSOLUTE END.  You are familiar with the adage, "You reap what you sow"!  That applies to the Great Scientist, too.  He reaps what He sows!   Nothing that devils do to men; nothing that they make men believe, can alter, modify, hinder, or prevent what the Scientist has PLANNED for the END of each human's personal run on the gauntlet.  ALL THOSE HUMAN PLANTS HE PUT DOWN HERE ARE THE SAME ONES HE REAPS as "LIVING  REDEEMED SPIRITS!  NO ONE IS LOST AND LEFT BEHIND.  NONE CAN BE DESTROYED.  That garbage never was part of God's PLAN!  But it is the failed hope of demonic prisoners awaiting their execution! 

Keep in mind that the Great Scientist "micro-manages" the life each human incarnation experiences!  He actually lives the life with each child to make certain he gets the designated amount of evil experience planned for his personal role!  No one goes through hell alone!  God is inside him undergoing and managing the same thing he experiences.  Believe me, Psalms 23 is about this unique bond the Father has with each child living on planet Earth.  When the end of one's personal day arrives, Father draws him up to Paradise to participate in STEP-TWO.  Having ascertained each child's strengths and weaknesses, the Scientist dons his "Clay-Master" hat and repairs (re-pairs) each set of twins.  This is when and where perfection is attained.  This is the gist of Father's PLAN at work.  He signified it all by a giant clock marking the time of devils' stay of execution.  As you know the movement of the planet Earth and the sun with respect to one another is called TIME on earth.  Devils' stay of execution will remain until Father empties the Chamber of Stars (TIME) and the last man created is standing on Earth.  He will then REMOVE the last generation of mankind from the Earth and only the Powers of Darkness will be left down here.  Father will then destroy them all to nothing as promised in the scriptures and according to PLAN, Isaiah 14:12, 21-22, Matthew 13:24-30, Daniel 9:24. and Psalms 37:10.

What you and the demons on your body think about this PLAN is IRRELEVANT.  Whether you agree or disagree with what the Scientist has done does not matter.  Only "God's will matters, and it is done on Earth as it is in Heaven".  If you are a human and you take your last breath some time today, after you take it, I'll see you later somewhere around God's Throne.  If you are a parasitic, invisible, demon prisoner, YOUR FAMILY LOST THE WAR!  Prepare for erasure in the lake of fire.

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