Tuesday, November 17, 2020

God's PLAN

God's PLAN

He created EVERYTHING, a WIFE, CHILDREN in numbers so vast they cannot be counted; a vast house, and NEGATIVE TESTING TOOLS (now called powers of darkness)!  The PLAN is to ascertain all flaws and weaknesses in that humongous number of children and to correct all of them.  This happens in TWO STEPS.  The NEGATIVE TOOLS are kept in a place in His left foot.  There they fall around in endless circles.  It is called HELL, a bottomless-pit prison-chamber.  Also within HELL is a STAGE called Planet Earth.  There the Creator cycles all the children He created before the eyes of the NEGATIVE TOOLS.  We call it STEP ONE!  Devils will MAR the children as they provide a negative “exercise” regimen.  This is because the “TOOLS” did not believe God when He told them, “I cannot give you a place where you can exist with your nature, because I need all the SPACE YOU SEE for my Family”!  The “TOOLS” only saw 24 (children) Elders and Mother Wisdom.  All that space for 26 individuals!  Is God lying to us??  

All the time man has existed on Planet Earth, our Father, Creator-God, has been parading His Family (showing the “buildings” of the Holy City of Zion) before the eyes of the “spirits in prison”, the demonic “TOOLS”.  The Creator stored all the children He created in a water-like “pool” called the “chamber of stars”.  

The first to be presented for review are a male and female we know as Adam and Eve.  The powers of darkness had discovered how to break their fall and had climbed aboard the backs and bodies of the flesh and blood life-forms inhabiting Earth.  Each child is given a set term (amount of time) to be seen and to interact with the TOOLS around them.  When the time EXPIRES and the Creator has determined each individual child’s spirit strengths and weaknesses, He puts on His “Potter’s hat” and draws the child up to Paradise, aka. “the Barn of Heaven”.  This is STEP TWO of the Creator’s PLAN.  There the Creator RE-MAKES each child by correcting all flaws and blemishes revealed in STEP ONE on Earth.  The very first star-child to complete the cycle was a spirit-son named Abel.  He was redeemed after suffering a violent death.  So all this time that we are aware of, Creator-God has been “at work” planting the spirits of men chosen from the “chamber of stars” into the wombs of selected daughters in the nations of men on Earth.  

The Planet Earth is too small to support all the children at once, so He plants men in increments of time called generations.  While He is planting the spirits in the clay wombs of His daughters as “the Husbandman”, He simultaneously REAPS the spirits of men DAILY whose terms facing devils have ended.  What we know as the daily history of man on planet Earth, is a “work day” for Creator-God.  All the earthly days that have passed since Adam’s generation, Father-God has been busy causing men to enact all things previously written for each human in his earthly role.  He does this by living His life in each person and causing him to fulfill every part of his role and script previously written for him to perform.  This may shock you, but God is living your life that you claim as “my life”, FOR YOU and WITH YOU!  Don’t look at this askance!  I remember Him telling me (and you) regarding mankind, “I will dwell in them and walk in them” and also “without me, YOU can do nothing”!  Is not man’s body God’s temple??  Did not Jesus declare to us, “I am the Vine and ye are the branches”?!  It is one totally connected entity!  So do not be flummoxed because you just learned EXACTLY TO WHAT EXTENT FATHER-GOD DWELLS IN HIS HUMAN TEMPLES.  You are shaped with a head, neck and torso with arms and hands and legs and feet!  YOU are a tiny “CELL” (called man) of His “Spirit-LIFE” substance covered by a clay envelope called the human body.  This is the case for every human being down here.  Getting back to the process we are describing, each day Father plants spirit-children in human wombs, and REDEEMS all those whose terms for facing devils have expired.  The children are the contents of Wisdom’s womb, whom He birthed all together on the 4th Creation day and stashed in the pool called “the chamber of stars”.  12 pairs of twins were left out of the pool, (the 24 Elders), who became God’s First Family to interact with NEGATIVE TOOLS when they existed as residents in Heaven.

Consider Father’s work!  Every day He sows and reaps.  He lives the lives of mankind inside each child experiencing whatever we experience simultaneously with us.  He also must “take thought” to imagine the events as previously written that He wants to take place in man’s world.  His thoughts cause REALITY to happen!  He dreams it up in His mind and behold, there it is!!  Every 24 hours the same thing occurs.  He plants another batch of spirit seed-children in clay wombs of His daughters and He picks up those spirits whose term for facing demons has “expired”.  This goes on with what some men may view as monotonous regularity and boring routine cycling.  And the next day it continues without stopping.  Your Father does not grow tired or weary the way men do.  He is joyously proceeding with His PLAN.  

Heaven does not see this as a boring exercise!  The Father-Creator gave His Son we know as Jesus on Earth, the task of calling all the children on Earth to the Throne to appear for FAMILY REUNION.  Jesus controls the Family Registry we call the BOOK OF LIFE.  Only our TRUE NAMES are written in it.  Every child God created has his real name recorded there.  Men on earth wrestling demonic prisoners have their spirit ears opened by Father-God to hear the Son’s voice as a target-recipient for RISING.  When each child hears his TRUE NAME, Father beams him up to Paradise to participate in STEP TWO.  He is removed from his clay body which is left in place on the very spot where he heard it.

So you see, your Father-God is a WORKING-SCIENTIST.  He never gets tired and He NEVER RESTS.  There remains a REST DAY for Father-God and for OUR FAMILY.  It is a BIG DAY yet to come.  So all of you, who condemn men who work seven days per week, you need to RE-THINK condemning others of “Sabbath breaking”!  God’s BIG REST DAY is yet to come.  It is One Everlasting Day called “Today”!   To “enter into His Rest”, you will have to take your assigned seat around the Throne!  By the way, have you noticed what happens when you flush a toilet?  The contents in the water spin around and around before sinking and disappearing.  The NEGATIVE TOOLS are cursed to falling in never-ending circles.  Devils have something in common with what one finds in the toilet.  The TOOLS are really = STOOL!

Say, “Amen”!

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