Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Great Judgment was FIXED, FINISHED and DONE from the BEGINNING

 The Great Judgment Was FIXED, FINISHED, and DONE from the Beginning


A family of “criminal, evil, spirits” was apprehended in Heaven for their rebellion and trespasses against the Creator, Father-God, and His first Family.  A Court trial was held.  They were judged, found guilty, and sentenced by the Judge to be executed by fire at the time He designated.  This is THE GREAT JUDGMENT.  IT HAPPENED EARLY THIS MORNING IN HEAVENLY TIME!  The convicts were cast down and confined in a holding-pen called “the bottomless pit”.  The “meantime” until they are destroyed is their “STAY OF EXECUTION TIME”. This period happened because devils accused God of lying when He told them, “I cannot give you a place of your own where you can exist with your nature as you are.  I need all the SPACE you see for my children”!  They did not believe God and demanded Him to prove it!  God accepted the dare to prove His righteous integrity.  He has been displaying all the children that the powers of darkness did not see when they were residents in Heaven.  Since devils are imprisoned in the pit of hell, God built a stage called planet Earth upon which He can parade all the “hidden” children before the criminal, convict-spirits in a sequence of multiple generations.  All devils saw are 24 children, male/female twins.  As you know this is the 24 Elders/Leaders referenced in the Revelation written by John.  In Genesis we learned that the numbers of children are so massive that we cannot count them.  We are like the stars in multitude and the sand on the seashore which no one can count.  Adam and Eve were the first two previously hidden children God showed to the demonic prisoners.  All the time that has passed since Adam’s days has been a period where Father keeps His Word and shows devils all the children they knew nothing about.  Why did they not believe Him?  So methodically and gradually He is parading His Family before demonic prisoners to prove He did not lie to them.  It is taking “a very long time” as we mortals measure time, because the numbers are so VAST.  John saw this display of God’s children on parade as “the Holy City coming down from Heaven as a bride”.  We are the “buildings constructed in Mother Wisdom’s womb”, whom Father delivered all at once on the Great 4th Creation Day!  All the children are the same age and we all have a single birthday.


Never forget that our Father is a “Scientist” and He had a hidden motive not easily understood for putting his children in a prison chamber with convict devils.  He delivered us all, a massive number no one can count in one instance.  But how can He know the success and goodness of that massive number of children?  Because He is a Genius, He PLANNED to put us down with the NEGATIVE prisoners as if on a gauntlet.  Devils will “MAR” and abuse the children dressed in flesh and blood “clay” garments.  Strong ones will resist marring and stay good.  Weak ones will bend, fold, crack, and fail when they are overcome by superior demonic force.  In that way the “Scientist” discovers the strengths and weaknesses of each created product.  Just in case you want to know where to find this info, go to II Esdras 7:1-15 and Jeremiah 18:1-6.  Give your “Dad” credit.  His wisdom and shrewdness is beyond reckoning.


Because this revelation parade will take place over so long a time, God sent Enoch as a “witness” with a “testimony” to explain to the generations of men to come what God is doing.  In Enoch chapters 10 through 15, Father reveals what has happened to man and why we are in such a predicament.  We can see the Great Judgment happened before Adam found himself on Earth.  The guilty parties were judged and imprisoned.  But all kinds of hellish things are happening to mankind as they face-off against the kingdom of the damned.  Do not expect that devils will tell men the TRUTH.  Only demons are damned convicts awaiting their stay of execution to time run out.  For execution to happen, all life forms must be removed from God’s earthly crematorium.  Then the Creator-Judge will light up this prison chamber with fire, and all devils confined down here will burn to nothing.  This event is what men call the Great Judgment, when it is the execution phase of the Judgment.  He will erase all our memory areas in our heads so that everything that happened in STEP ONE with devils is completely forgotten.  It will be impossible to imagine anything like it thereafter.  The memory of our ordeal with devils will go into oblivion.


God does not lie!  He “changes not”!  Whatever He said is done on Earth as it is in Heaven.  You cannot add to or subtract from His Word.  Devils have wasted all this time they have in their stay of execution trying to convince men that they can add humans to their penalty.  Their purpose is to vex and torment men while we live among them.  They know who we are and they want to punish us and hurt us as much as they can.  Enoch recorded the Court Verdict in chapter 10.  Verses 20-21 show that effort to be false and in vain.  Only the convicted devils will be burned to nothing in the fire just as the Judge decreed!


God told us “the END was revealed at the BEGINNING”, Isaiah 46:9-10.  Anyone who trusts in God must believe what He says.  We know Enoch is the very first human witness of record that Father gave to mankind.  He was brought to Heaven and then returned to men carrying a written testimony for our later generations.  So if we want to know what happened in the beginning and how it will END, we need to consult Enoch’s testimony given to him in the beginning of man’s trek on planet Earth,  In Enoch chapter 10 is a synopsis of Court proceedings and the Judge’s decisions that took place.  In Enoch 10:8-10, the Judge said we are to “ascribe all sin to (Azazel)” or devils.  In Enoch 10:3-7, the angels are commanded to cast devils into the bottomless pit where they will wait to be burned by fire.  In Enoch 10:20-21 He tells Enoch in the END all men will become righteous and live with Him forever more.


Since Enoch delivered those Court decisions and during all the generations of men being shown to devils down here, the LIARS have made many attempts to convince men that we are on trial with them.  They have persuaded some to believe their LIES.  Men have lost peace of mind and endured torment, because of devils’ desire to hurt as many of us as they can.  A myriad of LIES and deceits have been written down in books and taught to trap men and depress them.  But TRUST IN GOD is imperative to regain God’s peace that He left for us.  Isaiah 46:9-10 and Enoch chapter 10 will do just fine, if you believe our Father!  Say, “Amen”!

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