Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Greatest Show on Earth ...

The Greatest Show on Earth


Enoch 68:3 'And Michael answered again, and said to Raphael: 'Who is he whose heart is not softened concerning it, and whose reins are not troubled by this word of judgement 4 (that) has gone forth upon them because of those who have thus led them out? 'And it came to pass when he stood before the Lord of Spirits, Michael said thus to Raphael: 'I will not take their part under the eye of the Lord; for the Lord of Spirits has been angry with them because they do 5 as if they were the Lord. Therefore all that is hidden shall come upon them for ever and ever; for neither angel nor man shall have his portion (in it), but alone they have received their judgement for ever and ever.'

First of all I want to answer my brother, Michael, and let him know that I am one whose heart is NOT SOFTENED because of the judgment Father has put upon that wicked family.  In fact I applaud my Father-God for damning them and erasing their forms completely out of His positive creations.  After that He will erase the memory of them and their activities out of our minds so that it will be impossible to recall their history, their names, what they did and how they look.  I say, “Amen, Father!  Do it to them”!  Just in case you might be taken aback by my words, here are my credentials, Jeremiah 50:43-45, and Psalms 91:9-16, Revelation 10:8-11.

Where we stand in this document 

We begin with the conversation between two Archangels, Michael and Raphael.  Devils (so-called “fallen angels”) have been cast down into the bottomless-pit prison, where they are falling in never-ending circles.  That happened early “this morning”!  There is only TODAY up there!  You will observe that the Archangels know hidden things devils are unaware of will ensnare them during their stay of execution period.  God designed the bottomless pit as a multi-purpose holding pen.  He built a platform or “stage” inside it for a distinctive purpose.  Upon that stage many didactic performances will proceed for educational purposes between the children and demonic captors.  God had told the powers of darkness that they cannot remain in His House (Heaven), because of their negativity and perverse ways.  On the Earth-stage He put animals, birds and fish that lived on the planet and thrived on its built-in resources.  They do not fall through its solid mass like devils do.  Devils soon learned that they could break their non-stop falling if they grabbed and clung tightly to the flesh and blood life-forms, when they fell into them.  This is how they eventually “climbed out of the pit”.  They reestablished their kingdom aboard the bodies of the life-forms on earth.  Devils were unaware of Father’s secret PLAN, to use them as NEGATIVE TOOLS in the education protocol planned for His children. 

Devils were very angry with God for “being selfish” and biased toward them.  They looked into the HUGE EXPANSE at what we call the cosmos.  Why was there not enough room for them to have their own place where they could exist and be themselves outside God’s House and away from God’s Family”?  There they could behave the way they please without offending anyone, especially Mother Wisdom.  But God told them that all the space that seemed to be empty and void is reserved for His children.  Devils felt that God was lying and being spiteful against them.  They saw only 12 pairs of children for a total of 24 offspring.  Surely He was “trying to deceive them”.  They challenged Him to “SHOW US ALL THESE CHILDREN YOU CLAIM TO HAVE!  We do not believe you”!  That was a BIG MISTAKE, to challenge God’s veracity. 


Psalms 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. 2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. 3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. 4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, 5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. 

Genesis 22:16 And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the LORD, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son: 17 That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; 18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice. 

Isaiah 45:10 Woe unto him that saith unto his father, What begettest thou? or to the woman, What hast thou brought forth? 11 Thus saith the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me. 12 I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded. 

Isaiah 63:16 Doubtless thou art our father, though Abraham be ignorant of us, and Israel acknowledge us not: thou, O LORD, art our father, our redeemer; thy name is from everlasting.

Luke 2:10  And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 14  Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men

How many of you have attended a graduation ceremony?  Graduates line up on one end of the stage and listen for their name.  When their name is called they march across the stage to the master of ceremonies and accept their diploma or degree.  Then they continue on and exit at the other end of the stage.  One of the “hidden things” devils did not know is that Father would exploit their negativity and backwardness to teach His children positive lessons about the VALUE OF GOODNESS.  As you know the “sun-son” is really a spirit child of God confined to flesh and blood, his stage-clothes.  It is our costume for our performance on stage (the earth) with devils.  This masks each child’s true spirit ID from all eyes.  Each sun-son (human) rises in birth on the east end of the stage.  His light is turned off in the flesh and blood stage.  Devils then pummel and abuse men (“exercise” them with evil) every day they exist on Earth (their lifetime) as they travel westward toward the other end of the stage.  When one’s time is up, the sun-son sets (becomes less active) and then seems to go down in the ground (dead bodies are buried).  This is the guise in which God PLANNED to SHOW DEVILS His entire FAMILY they could not see when they were residents in Heaven.  They do not see our glorious forms, but only our acting forms in our earthly roles, which are associated and identifiable with sin and corruption.  The real spirit offspring remains hidden from view with our light turned off.  When we emerge in Paradise for STEP-TWO, we cannot be connected to sin and wickedness by man or devil.  Our true names and faces and our light will be REVEALED only when we make our introduction in Paradise.

So Father God has been “parading” all His children in the nursery before demons in the pit to show them He was not lying to them about His children.  He simply kept us as IMMORTAL SPIRIT “seedlings” in the “chamber of stars” until it was our time to face demons in our designated generation on earth.  Then, He plants us in the clay womb of His choice.  So all this time man has existed on planet Earth, Father God has been showing devils His very “HUGE” Family.  From the days of Adam and Eve, we have marched across the earth-stage rising in the east and going down as it were in the west so that Father could prove Himself honest and right before the Kingdom of Darkness.  You have looked up at the stars in the Heavens.  Did you ever try to count them as a kid?  How about grains of sand at a beach?  Did you ever attempt to count them?  Consider how large planet earth is and how scattered men are in all the nations.  There is an “average daily birthrate”, which I would not attempt to guess.  There is also an average “circumcision rate” (death toll), which again, I would not try to guess.  So generation after generation, and year after year, and day by day the Creator, Father-God, has been putting the children on DISPLAY to show devils “why there is no place for them” inside His Body.  Think of devils as cancerous tumor cells.  All they do is destroy the Body.  To save His Body, the Great Physician must “heal Thyself”.  His PLAN is to purge Himself of all “cancerous tumor cells”, that is all devils.  He will do so by fire!

When Father told Ezra about this “assize”, that He as a Scientist-Teacher, had planned for His children, Ezra wanted to know why He did not do it all at one time to end the “exercise” sooner.  But Ezra had no idea about the humongous number of children about whom he was inquiring.  Look at what Father told him.

2 Esdras 5:42 He said to me, 'I will compare the judgement to a circle: the latest will not be too late, nor the earliest too early.' 43 To this I replied, 'Could you not have made all men, past, present, and future, at one and the same time? Then you could have held your assize 44 with less delay.' But he answered, 'The creation may not go faster than the Creator, nor could the world support at the same time all those created to live on it.'

(Actually Ezra asked a good question, but he was not aware of Isaiah 66:7-9, and Secrets of Enoch 25.  We have a greater advantage today.)

Father-God has to plant us on earth in many generations of time in order to empty the nursery of so many “star-children”.  All children must face-off with devils in the psycho-dramas God planned for each role.  Some lifetimes happen very fast in the way Ezra was inquiring, but God gave most of us an average lifetime of “three score and ten years”, Psalms 90:10.  Devils have been down here a long time.  They have photographic minds.  If they can recall all the human faces in each generation and fit them together in a great collage, and if they can count them, they would see that Father-God was not lying about the HUGE SIZE (numbers) of His Family.  Facing devils in the pit of hell is just STEP-ONE.  When that task is finished, ALL WILL BE REMOVED TO STEP-TWO IN PARADISE, 2 Esdras 7:1-15.

2 Esdras 2:38 Rise, stand up, and see the whole company of those who bear the 39 Lord's mark and sit at his table. They have moved out of the shadow of this 40 world and have received shining robes from the Lord. Receive, O Zion your full number, and close the roll of those arrayed in white who have 41 faithfully kept the law of the Lord. The number of your sons whom you so long desired is now complete. Pray that the Lord's kingdom may come, so that your people, whom he summoned when the world began, may be set apart as his own.'

Secrets of Enoch 65:6 When all creation visible and invisible, as the Lord created it, shall end, then every man goes 7 to the great judgement, and then all time shall perish, and the years, and thence forward there will be neither months nor days nor hours, they will be stuck together and will not be counted. 8 There will be one aeon, and all the righteous who shall escape the Lord's great judgement, shall be collected in the great aeon, for the righteous the great aeon will begin, and they will 9 live eternally, and then too there will be amongst them neither labour, nor sickness, nor humiliation, nor anxiety, nor need, nor violence, nor night, nor darkness, but great light. 10 And they shall have a great indestructible wall, and a paradise bright and incorruptible, for all corruptible things shall pass away, and there will be eternal life.

The Heavenly morning SUN-SON will be fully RISEN, rounded and complete as Enoch describes it allegorically.  “TODAY” the SON-SUN rise takes a very long time to accomplish.  You must be IMMORTAL (a Family member) to appreciate the glory of this event!

So all you devils can put your many heads together and RECALL ALL THE HUMAN FACES YOU CAN REMEMBER.  Father has shown you (the Holy City), that is, what we look like in our earthly roles as stage-actors. He has reserved a “sun-star-world” as the personal property and possession of each married pair of children.  It is part of their heritage and birthright from Him.  They may develop that world into a habitable place as they see fit.  Raw materials are also circling around in various star systems and these may be mined for “Family” use.  WE NEED TO BE IMMORTAL in this FAMILY!   It is still early in the Heavenly morning and the SUN-SON Body is still rising and filling out its volume.  We all need to learn to think like an immortal being so we can wrap our minds around our destiny and glory.   I am in great need of learning the new chemistry, physics, and math so I can function as a competent person up there.  I will not go around “singing and playing on a harp” all the time!  I will not be dancing all the time to get with the latest steps!  While I meet my brothers and sisters and bond with them, I PLAN to “go to school” after I RISE!  I am so far behind all those veteran angels who have been awake and aware all this time!  Who knows what new latent talents I might have?!  It is a great blessing to know that we are ALL IMMORTAL LIVING SPIRIT CHILDREN!  I am READY to go any time now!  To Father and Jesus:  “It’s your thing!  Do what you want to do!  I can’t tell you, who to call to you”!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The coming of the Son of Man

The Coming of the Lord

Exactly WHAT does that mean to you?  Consider this:

God can say HE LIVES THE LIFE FOR AND WITH EACH HUMAN INCARNATION SIMULTANEOUSLY.  He is the only “LIVING ONE”!  Life emanates from Him!  He said, “I will dwell in then and walk in them”, 2 Corinthians 6:16.  “In all our afflictions, He is afflicted”, Isaiah 63:6!  And “whatever we do or do not do to any man, we do or do not do to Him” personally, Matthew 25:41-45.  Furthermore it is written, “Thou hast wrought all our works in us”, Isaiah 26:12.  That is because God is sharing His life with each child as He teaches us what life is all about.  This is one GREAT SHOCK to demons!  Whatever they did to any man, it was a personal assault on Father-God.  This may be an ASTONISHING SHOCK to men, too.  NO ONE CAN LIE TO GOD about anything.  He is both a victim and a Witness to everything done to any and all men by both man and devil. 

This being true, Father-God NEVER LEFT US AT ALL!  He is with us all every step we take and every breath we breathe.  You didn’t hear me, did you?!  READ that sentence again with your eyes OPEN!  And since He is already in us, what does “the coming of the Lord” refer to?  What does, “Behold I stand at the door and knock” mean, when He is “IN YOU” living your life for you, as you?  Jesus also said, “Lo I am with you always even to the end of the world”.  What does Jesus mean by those Words?  And what does “the coming of the son of man” really mean?  It means “the spirit of man returns to God who gave it”, Ecclesiastes 12:7, and Luke 15:20-24.  Actually that was a very fast answer.  Before I could finish typing the question, the answer was in my head.  This is possible because Father-God is my “HEAD”!

Ode of Solomon 1:1 The Lord is on my head like a crown, and I shall not be without Him. 2 They wove for me a crown of truth, and it caused thy branches to bud in me. 3 For it is not like a withered crown which buddeth not: but thou livest upon my head, and thou hast blossomed upon my head. 4 Thy fruits are full-grown and perfect, they are full of thy salvation.

Human beings have a problem.  We cannot comprehend the depth and breadth of immortality.  We cannot conceive mentally that invisible and visible things co-exist one with the other.  Men assume that the “visible matter” is “real” and is all that counts.  But a man is a two component being. 

Secrets of Enoch 30:10 I conceived a cunning saying to say, I created man from invisible and from visible nature, of both are his death and life and image, the knows speech like some created thing, small in greatness 11 and again great in smallness, and I placed him on earth, a second angel, honourable, great 12 and glorious, and I appointed him as ruler to rule on earth and to have my wisdom, and there was none like him of earth of all my existing creatures.

God took a living spirit (invisible) offspring (1) and planted it in a (2) visible clay casement called a human body and locked His offspring in it with its light turned off. This became “man”.  Man’s mental capacity is diminished even though the spirit offspring has the capacity to grasp Heavenly things at Father’s will.  In the flesh we are called second angels (by God) in immature form.  When we are more mature and our time on earth expires, Father draws us to Heaven to participate in STEP-TWO in Paradise, 2 Esdras 7:1-15, Romans 8:18-23.  There He turns on our light and we shine like the sun! Matthew 13:43, Hebrews 12:22-24.   This has always been the PLAN from the beginning.

We also live in two time zones.  Men have great difficulty coming to grips with the “timelessness” of eternity in God, even though we live inside His Person.  We are accustomed to time in 24-hour increments.  But that is how time is measured in Satan’s prison-chamber.  The constellations provide demons with a countdown clock as their stay of execution winds down to the scheduled moment of execution.  God had a big surprise waiting on them.  The real “time” of significance are His children, Genesis 1:14.  One male/female pair is one day of “spirit time”.  Devils will be imprisoned in the pit of hell until Father-God empties all the infant spirits from His “chamber of stars”, and all the children have been placed on earth in their designated generation.  The LAST-DAY SON-SUN is the END OF TIME.  The only way to tell his presence is by his publication of the everlasting gospel in which Father tells all the secrets and mysteries men have striven to learn ever since we came to this world.  God gave us a clue to this man’s ID:

Revelation 10:9 And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. 10 And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. 11 And he said unto me, Thou (John, the last-day son-sun) must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. 

Father opens the SEALS ON THE BOOK for His lastborn son, named John.  John is “the least” male person He removed from Mother Wisdom’s womb on the Great 4th Creation Day.  He and his female twin have the two highest birth numbers among the children.  Together (sun-moon) they are the “last day” realistically and spiritually.

Now let us consider what “the coming of the Lord” means in light of “TODAY’S” understanding.  Father-God is always with us.  “WE” exist as spirit “cell containers” of His LIFE!  Down here on Earth, He teaches us what life is all about as He undergoes the same experiences each man receives daily.  Go to the top of this page and review the first paragraph.  What “the coming of the Lord” refers to is when Father awakens a child to teach him higher and greater things.  God has come many times to many children in various generations to upgrade their thinking to higher levels.  When “He comes”, He uses angelic teachers that we sometimes call guardian angels and “holy spirit” guides. 

Isaiah 30:21 And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.

Do not be surprised if the voice is female!

Proverbs 9:1 Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars: 2 She hath killed her beasts; she hath mingled her wine; she hath also furnished her table. 3 She hath sent forth her maidens: she crieth upon the highest places of the city, 4 Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither: as for him that wanteth understanding, she saith to him,  5 Come, eat of my bread, and drink of the wine which I have mingled. 6 Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding. 

One task they have is to explain the Word and share their light with us.  They are sent by Father-God and they share what He wants us to have.  You can get the gist of this from Jesus’ “parable of the talents”.  They help us increase our light by convincing us to accept true “light” other men possess and add it to out own repertoire.  This is how one talent can become ten or more.  When God comes to check on our growth-progress, those who have mastered what they have already will be given more.  Understanding is like constructing a building.  Bricks are cemented along the foundation one at a time, layer upon layer.  Eventually the first floor will appear.  This process will continue in that manner until all the planned levels are constructed.  I like to think of the Holy City of Heaven (New Jerusalem) as Twelve Heavens or worlds, one on top of another like a twelve-story building.  God has divided understanding of His Light and PLANS into many (scriptural) pieces like a jigsaw puzzle.  He salted them down on earth in different  generations and in different languages.   If you want to SEE the full picture and UNDERSTAND what He is doing … He has to fit the Word-pieces (scriptures) together in their proper order.  And ONLY FATHER-GOD knows the proper order of His Words for a correct and complete picture, Psalms 50:16-21.

You will also recall that Jesus said, “Lo, I am with you always even to the end of the world”.  You might ask, “How can that be when he went up to the Throne”?  Through Father-God, Jesus is with us too, because He and Father are “one”.  Father did give him ALL POWER.  They both can come and sup with you! John 14:23.  He also knocks on the door of our minds as “thoughts that keep entering our minds to make us reason”, Isaiah 1:18.  Their repetition is like a “knock”.  When we ponder the reasoning and mull it over, we drop ideas that prove to be errors (darkness).  We find a place in our thinking where the new light fits in, Proverbs 4:18.  That way we get a clearer picture of truth and the will of God.  Light will always cancel darkness, and what we believe will be modified for the better.  Consider the “parable of the ten virgins”.  That is what it means.

I know that we have imagined a WRONG PICTURE of what “the coming the Lord” means.  I have seen the drawings men have painted and the photos in Bibles I have bought.  Since both Father-God and Jesus are with us already, what do you suppose the “coming of the son of man” means?  You will notice that “son” is spelled with a lower-case “s” compared with a capital “S”, a reference for Jesus.  In Aramaic or Hebrew language there is no capital “S”.  Redactors and translators did that in English language translations because they thought is referred to Jesus.  The truth is, that quotation is really about the “sons of men”, who return to Heaven when Jesus calls them by their true name.  In Heaven they are the “elements” of the Heavenly SON-SUN collective as we fill out our volume around the Throne.  Everyday the BODY of the Heavenly SON grows wider and fuller as “the saints go marching in”.  Jesus will not come down here.  But we will go up there.  You do remember the parable of the prodigal son, don’t you?  The Father did not go down to the Earth to retrieve him, but He drew him upstairs to the Throne where He is.  Consider also the direction in which the “sheet” traveled in Peter’s vision.  After the voice told him for the 3rd time , “Do not call what God has cleansed common or unclean” the entire sheet with all those animals on it ASCENDED BACK (UP) TO HEAVEN WHERE IT CAME FROM!  Acts 10:9-16, and 28.  Also all the animals in Noah’s ark were saved!  This also helps explain the animal reference in Peter’s vision.  We know it means MEN with little or no understanding, Psalms 49:20.  So that is what the “coming of the sons of men” refers to.  Here is how Isaiah saw this:

Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. 2 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. 3 And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. 4 Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: all they gather themselves together, they come to thee: thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side. 5 Then thou shalt see, and flow together, and thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee. 6 The multitude of camels shall cover thee, the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah; all they from Sheba shall come: they shall bring gold and incense; and they shall shew forth the praises of the LORD. 7 All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered together unto thee, the rams of Nebaioth shall minister unto thee: they shall come up with acceptance on mine altar, and I will glorify the house of my glory.

Isaiah 66:18 For I know their works and their thoughts: it shall come, that I will gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come, and see my glory. 19 And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape of them unto the nations, to Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, to Tubal, and Javan, to the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles. 20 And they shall bring all your brethren for an offering unto the LORD out of all nations upon horses, and in chariots, and in litters, and upon mules, and upon swift beasts, to my holy mountain Jerusalem, saith the LORD, as the children of Israel bring an offering in a clean vessel into the house of the LORD. 21 And I will also take of them for priests and for Levites, saith the LORD. 22 For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain. 23 And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD

The entire population of mankind will be removed from planet Earth suddenly (i.e., “animals on a sheet”).  Most of them will ascend as “prodigal sons” to prepare to meet our Father.  Fire will then rain down upon the bottomless pit and the earth to destroy both from God’s positive creations, Isaiah 24:1-3, 19-22, Isaiah 14:12, 21-22, Psalms 37:10.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Reversing D-I-E

DIE Reversal Means = Enter Into Day


Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die

As you know there is just One Day in “eternity”.  There is One Great Light (Father-God), and He does not go down or appear to “turn off” like the earthly sun does.  It is called “TODAY”!  There is no tomorrow and no night time there.  Time as men know it is IRRELEVANT and does not matter.  In reality each twin pair of children is equal to one spiritual day.  If you knew the number of twin pairs our Parents created, you would know the equivalent of a Heavenly calendar.  Each (son-moon) pair is “one day”.   Above, we  will have “jubilees”.  A Jubilee is marked when all the children have met and bonded with one another once for the first time.  When it happens again, it will mark a second Jubilee!  As you know our “sisters” are allegorical “moons”, and Family celebrations are marked “from one new moon unto another”, Isaiah 66:23.  You also know, there are twelve Archangels over our twelve Family Orders.  Their twelve Virtue-companions are the “twelve major moons” mentioned in the Isaiah text.  This has to do with our Family hierarchy.  Father-God is a Living Spirit.  He divided Himself into smaller portions (i.e., the amoeba) and created the FAMILY from smaller portions of Himself.  He created our Mother, El Shaddai, or Wisdom, Jerusalem, Zion, and allegoric “Adoil” as She is called.  And He created US from billions and billions of tiny cells of their Persons.  He calls us “children”, each child shaped with a head, torso, two arms with hands, and two legs with feet.  God is a Spirit!  He (God) is equal to the “SUM OF ALL HIS PARTS”.  All of US are living spirits created “in their image (our Parents) and after their likeness”.  Man is also a living spirit, Secrets of Enoch 30:10-12, stuck in a clay cocoon for participation in STEP-ONE of Father’s assize.  It is a face-off and “exercise” (Ecclesiastes 1:13) with NEGATIVE demonic prisoners inside their prison chamber, 2 Esdras 7:1-15.

Death for man is really “circumcision”, or the removal of the spirit of man from his (covering of skin) impeding clay cocoon.  Keep in mind that Adam did not know anything about God, or His secret PLANS.  He never heard of death before and did not understand what it means.  No one had seen death either, because this was the beginning of the human presence on earth and nothing had died before.  But today we know what “circumcision” means.  The spirit of man is separated from the clay body and removed to Paradise to participate in STEP-TWO of the Creator–Scientist’s assize.  Indeed to DIE is E- (out of) ID (self), or removal from the clay body.

The following is part of the HEADLINE from the last “GOOD NEWS” document, “Secret Things and Hidden Plans”:

Enoch 16:2 ... And now as to the watchers who have sent thee (Enoch) to intercede for them, who had been aforetime in heaven, (say 3 to them): "You have been in heaven, but all the mysteries had not yet been revealed to you, and you knew worthless ones, and these in the hardness of your hearts you have made known to the women, and through these mysteries women and men work much evil on earth." 4 Say to them therefore: "You have no peace." '

What you have just read is part of what was hidden and not revealed to the NEGATIVE family of “tools” when they were residents in Heaven.  They are known as devils, the powers of darkness today.  God kept this hidden from Mother Wisdom and His First Family too.  No one can know anything hidden until and unless Father is ready to share that light.  Fortunately for us, this is the END OF TIME, and we are chosen to see and hear these things.  The last day and “the END” is when He promised to tell it all!

Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. … 8  And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? 9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. 

Isaiah 29:17 Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest? 18 And in that day (the end) shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness. 

Isaiah 40:10 Behold, the Lord GOD will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him. 11 He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young. 

Isaiah 30:26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound. 

For devils, Father has more “secrets” to reveal.

Malachi 3:5 And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not me, saith the LORD of hosts. 

God can say that because HE LIVES THE LIFE FOR AND WITH EACH HUMAN INCARNATION SIMULTANEOUSLY.  He said, “I will dwell in then and walk in them”, 2 Corinthians 6:16.  “In all our afflictions, He is afflicted”, Isaiah 63:6!  And “whatever we do or do not do to any man, we do or do not do to Him” personally, Matthew 25:41-45.  Furthermore it is written, “Thou hast wrought all our works in us”, Isaiah 26:12.  That is because God is sharing his life with each child as He teaches us what life is all about.  This is one GREAT SHOCK to demons!  Whatever they did to any man, it was a personal assault on Father-God.  This may be a personal shock to men too.  NO ONE CAN LIE TO GOD about anything.  He is both a victim and Witness to everything done any and all men by both man and devil.  And to devils he continues:

Psalms 50:21 These things hast thou done, and I kept silence; thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself: but I will reprove thee, and set them in order before thine eyes. 22 Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver. 23 Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God.

Psalms 91:14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. 15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. 16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation. 

Revelation 10:9 And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. 10 And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. 11 And he said unto me, Thou (John, the last-day son-sun) must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. 

Isaiah 42:14 I have long time holden my peace; I have been still, and refrained myself: now will I cry like a travailing woman; I will destroy and devour at once. 15 I will make waste mountains and hills, and dry up all their herbs; and I will make the rivers islands, and I will dry up the pools. 16 And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them. 

That is why “secret things and hidden plans” are being revealed to you in the “GOOD NEWS”.  This is the LAST DAY, and Father wants you to know these things.  The LAST DAY OF TIME IS A MAN, a human being, who is “the least of the flock”, namely, God’s LASTBORN SON!

Genesis 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: 15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. 16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. 17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, 18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.

Jeremiah 50:43 The king of Babylon hath heard the report of them, and his hands waxed feeble: anguish took hold of him, and pangs as of a woman in travail. 44 Behold, he shall come up like a lion from the swelling of Jordan unto the habitation of the strong: but I will make them suddenly run away from her: and who is a chosen man, that I may appoint over her? for who is like me? and who will appoint me the time? and who is that shepherd that will stand before me? 45 Therefore hear ye the counsel of the LORD, that he hath taken against Babylon; and his purposes, that he hath purposed against the land of the Chaldeans: Surely the least of the flock shall draw them out: surely he shall make their habitation desolate with them. 

Matthew 11:11 Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

Jesus tells you the “value” and GREATNESS of this man to Father-God.  At the moment Jesus spoke those Words, God’s LASTBORN son was an infant spirit sleeping in God’s “chamber of stars”.  The GREATNESS of this man is not because of him personally, but it is really FATHER IN HIM REVEALING EVERYTHING through this person.  In Jeremiah 50:45, this son will destroy Babylon.  But it is not that this LAST SON is inherently powerful, BUT FATHER IS BOTH IN HIM AND WITH HIM DOING ALL THE WORKS.

Isaiah 44:6 Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.

Isaiah 41:4 Who hath wrought and done it, calling the generations from the beginning? I the LORD, the first, and with the last; I am he.

It is not that “John” is greater or better than any of his brothers and sisters, but Father-God has chosen His lastborn son as a vessel through whom He is telling everything!  Think of John as a microphone and amplifier or an “ink pen” God is using to write the everlasting gospel.  So John himself is just an instrument or tool in God’s hands.  Let’s be very CLEAR, FATHER-GOD IS DOING ALL THE WORK HERE!  Notice what is written in Jeremiah 50:44, “who is a chosen man, that I may appoint over her? for who is like me? and who will appoint me the time?”.   Who is that man standing before God?  It is a man named John.  Who is like me?  Clearly Father God is like Himself saying, “I am with the last”.  Who will appoint me the time?  He did that Himself by announcing He chose the “least of the flock”, namely His lastborn son.

Luke 22:24 And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest. 25 And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors. 26 But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve.

Father-God’s “WORK” now

Isaiah 40:10 Behold, the Lord GOD will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.

This is what Father-GOD IS DOING PERSONALLY at this END-TIME.  “John” is not exalting himself over anyone.  “John” is like a glove on Father’s hand, and God is punching out Babylon, Lucifer, and their demons in this judgment hour.

Revelation 16:17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. 18 And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. 19 And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. 

Revelation 17:1  And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: 

Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 21 Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities. 22 For I will rise up against them, saith the LORD of hosts, and cut off from Babylon the name, and remnant, and son, and nephew, saith the LORD. 

These are a few of the HIDDEN THINGS that are happening in Court in this judgment hour.  I think the greatest SHOCK to devils is that Father lives the life each man claims as “me, myself, and I”.  What is done to any man is a personal assault on Creator-God.  LIES do not work on the Supreme Judge.  The execution by fire that devils will finally suffer is just Father doing “SELF DEFENSE” against His enemies.  He has a right to “self-defense” to protect Himself.

God sits in AMBUSH inside the body of each human child that He plants down on earth.  Man does not know this and demons certainly did not know this.  If anyone lays a finger upon anyone of them to do them harm, that person or enemy has "screwed up"!

Psalms105:12 When they were but a few men in number; yea, very few, and strangers in it. (planet Earth) 13 When they went from one nation to another, from one kingdom to another people; 14 He suffered no man to do them wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes; 15 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm. 

Zechariah 2:8 For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.

No demon can tell God, "I am not guilty of harming man".  God is living inside the bodies of every man on earth as we speak.  He is managing the life-events happening to His children both good and evil, Isaiah 45:6-7, Deuteronomy 32:39-40, Amos 3:5-7.  Devils are "caught like a fat rat in a cheese factory".  There is no place to run and no place to hide!  You cannot escape, Isaiah 26:11-12.

And to help you understand what this means, I have included the “Dragnet” theme music to help you get the proper sense of this document.  Those of you who are old enough will get my drift!  Enjoy the ride!

Monday, June 5, 2017

"Secret Things"

“Secret Things” and Hidden Plans


Enoch 16:2 ... And now as to the watchers who have sent thee (Enoch) to intercede for them, who had been aforetime in heaven, (say 3 to them): "You have been in heaven, but all the mysteries had not yet been revealed to you, and you knew worthless ones, and these in the hardness of your hearts you have made known to the women, and through these mysteries women and men work much evil on earth." 4 Say to them therefore: "You have no peace." '

Enoch 68:4 ...'And it came to pass when he stood before the Lord of Spirits, Michael said thus to Raphael: 'I will not take their part under the eye of the Lord; for the Lord of Spirits has been angry with them because they do 5 as if they were the Lord. Therefore all that is hidden shall come upon them for ever and ever; for neither angel nor man shall have his portion (in it), but alone they have received their judgement for ever and ever.'

Proverbs 20:18 Every purpose is established by counsel: and with good advice make war.

It seems to me that devils were a bit rash and arrogant when they were residents in Heaven.  There are certain things they should have found out before agreeing to rebellion and warfare against the Creator.  Why would anyone become an enemy to the One with all power, who made you?  It would be wiser to learn as much as one could learn about “who” He is, and what are His powers?  One would also be wise to ask Him, “Why did you create me, and for what purpose am I here”?  What do you want me to do?  God is called the Great Scientist because that is who He is, the Creator and Maker of all things.  It would appear that those beings in Heaven in the beginning should have been curious and needful of learning the answers to those questions first and foremost.  They saw a Bright Being who is the Creator, who has power to speak any thought or idea and make it real from “nothing”.  They saw that He has a female companion, El Shaddai, and 24 children, or 12 pair of offspring like themselves.  Babylon was another female and she had one male son called Lucifer.  The natures of Lucifer and Babylon were different from the behavior of Creator God, Mother Wisdom and their 24 children.  It would seem to me that Lucifer and Babylon should have been very concerned about that.  They should have inquired about why He made them so different.  They were set apart in their own space and after a while there were more of them.  Now there were two “families” with spirit children upstairs.  The interaction between the two families was not ideal.  “Rules” had to be made governing conduct and interaction between the “angels” (offspring).   Lucifer and Babylon did not like the rules, because they felt they unfairly restricted them and impinged upon their personal freedom.  They decided it was in their best interest to rebel against those restrictions and do what they pleased no matter how the Creator disapproved of it.  You can see the beginning of exacerbated friction, which eventually resulted in their confinement and judgment.  Wisdom demanded that Father throw them out of Her House.  Father anticipated this and prepared a dungeon to contain them until the SET TIME to destroy them.  This DUNGEON happens to be inside His left foot.  We call it the Milky Way Galaxy containing our sun, and solar system and also planet Earth, which is a special stage.  Father-God had secretly planned a TWO STEP assize to perfect His “secret brood” of children.  This is one of the SECRETS Father kept to Himself.  Not even Wisdom and the 24 children in His first Family were apprized of this hidden PLAN.

We have learned since we have been on earth that Creator-God does have “secrets” and PLANS hidden from devils, from man, and the angels.  He even had a “secret” that He kept hidden from Mother Zion.  But He could not hide it very long because Mother is “smart” and found out about it.

Hidden Secrets About God

We have learned that Father-God is a great Parent.  He has planned “surprises” to intrigue and please both His Wife and His children.  In the beginning Father and Mother Wisdom agreed to have a specific number of PAIRED TWINS, male and female duplicates of “their likeness”.  After Mother created THAT NUMBER and built them in Her womb, Father delivered Her on the great 4th Creation Day.  The entire Family was delivered in one day.  However, Mother only saw 12 pairs of twins, and these became Her First Family.  I’m not going to belabor the point.  Your Father kept the remainder of the children in the form of Mother’s “birth-water”, which Father preserved in what is now known as the “chamber of the stars”.  All the rest of us were there … ALIVE, but unconscious and asleep.  And we all are IMMORTAL SPIRITS and we stay alive in the “chamber of stars” until it is our turn to be planted in the clay fields of the earth.  On earth we (“exercise”) face-off and duel with devils in their prison.

None of this was known by Mother Wisdom, nor by the angelic children.  Father God keeps His “secrets close to the vest” and only reveals them when He is ready to do so.  However, Enoch was chosen in the beginning of man’s trek on earth to receive pertinent knowledge about God and His PLAN for the Family to the most remote generation on earth.  I do not think anyone is bold enough to question God about what He is doing, but consider what He told Enoch about the Family at that time.

Secrets of Enoch 24:1 And the Lord summoned me, and said to me: 'Enoch, sit down on my left with Gabriel.' And I bowed down to the Lord, and the Lord spoke 2 to me: Enoch, beloved, all thou seest, all things that are standing finished I tell to thee even before the very beginning, all that I created from non- being, and visible things from invisible. 3 Hear, Enoch, and take in these my words, for not to my angels have I told my secret, and I have not told them their rise, nor my endless realm, nor have they understood my creating, 4 which I tell thee today. For before all things were visible, I alone used to go about in the invisible things, like the sun from east to west, and 5 from west to east. But even the sun has peace in itself, while I found no peace, because I was creating all things, and I conceived the thought of placing foundations, and of creating visible creation.

Isaiah 49:14 .. But Zion said, The LORD hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me. 15 Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. 16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me. 17 Thy children shall make haste; thy destroyers and they that made thee waste shall go forth of thee. 18 Lift up thine eyes round about, and behold: all these gather themselves together, and come to thee. As I live, saith the LORD, thou shalt surely clothe thee with them all, as with an ornament, and bind them on thee, as a bride doeth. 19 For thy waste and thy desolate places, and the land of thy destruction, shall even now be too narrow by reason of the inhabitants, and they that swallowed thee up shall be far away. 20 The children which thou shalt have, after thou hast lost the other, shall say again in thine ears, The place is too strait for me: give place to me that I may dwell. 21 Then shalt thou say in thine heart, Who hath begotten me these, seeing I have lost my children, and am desolate, a captive, and removing to and fro? and who hath brought up these? Behold, I was left alone; these, where had they been? 22 Thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people: and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders. 23 And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou shalt know that I am the LORD: for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me. 24 Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered? 25 But thus saith the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children. 

Mother did not know that Her Husband is a “surprise artist” and a practical joker.  But in Isaiah 66:7-12, we find a KEY that God delivered the entire brood He and Mother PLANNED “in one day”, the great 4th Creation Day.  Okay then, where are they?  You remember, “they are like the stars in multitude and like the grains of sand on the seashore??!!  (They were living “holy seed” in the form of “Her birth-water”).  God PLANNED it all and stored us in His “chamber of stars” where we slept quietly.  Since the days of Adam and Eve, God has planted some children down here to face devils for their given set of days each day.  And He has also removed men as living spirits by “circumcision”, when their time expires each day.  This cycle of life has repeated daily as the circuit of the sun.  The sun goes down daily, but it rises as a new day in another part of the world.  And it returns where you are every 24 hours.  We also know what is happening to those spirits who are reaped to Paradise.  They are perfected (STEP-TWO) and are added to the numbers of PERFECT SON-SUNS around the Throne.  God’s First Family did not know any of this when Father had a conversation with Enoch.  Mother also did not know how tricky Her Husband is until He showed His hand a bit later.  He does it all to bring excitement and joy to the Family.  He is quite the entertainer!!

Here is where you learn of God’s specific number of children PLANNED with Mother Jerusalem.

2 Esdras 2:15 'Mother, cherish your sons. Rear them joyfully as a dove rears her nestlings; teach them to walk without stumbling. You are my chosen one, 16 says the Lord. I will raise up the dead from their resting-places, and bring them out of their tombs, for I have acknowledged that they bear my name. 17 Have no fear, mother of many sons; I have chosen you, says the Lord. 26 Of my servants whom I have given you not one shall be lost; I will demand 27 them back from among your number. Do not be anxious when the time of trouble and hardship comes; others shall lament and be sad, but you shall 28 have happiness and plenty. All nations shall envy you, but shall be powerless against you, says the Lord. 29, 30 'My power shall protect you, and save your sons from hell. Be joyful, 31 mother, you and your sons, for I will come to your rescue. Remember your children who sleep in the grave; I will bring them up from the depths of the earth, and show mercy to them; for I am merciful, says the Lord 32 Almighty. Cherish your children until I come, and proclaim my mercy to them; for my favour flows abundantly from springs that will never run dry.' 36 Flee from the shadow of this world and receive the joy and splendour that await you. I bear witness openly to 37 my Saviour. It is he whom the Lord has appointed; receive him and be joyful, giving thanks to the One who has summoned you to the heavenly 38 realms. Rise, stand up, and see the whole company of those who bear the 39 Lord's mark and sit at his table. They have moved out of the shadow of this 40 world and have received shining robes from the Lord. Receive, O Zion your full number, and close the roll of those arrayed in white who have 41 faithfully kept the law of the Lord. The number of your sons whom you so long desired is now complete.

Father also revealed to Ezra the outline of His TWO-STEP education PLAN, 2 Esdras 7:1-15.  There is no fear of losing any of the children as we are tackled by imprisoned demonic spirits.  This life is a REQUIRED “exercise” with evil which will end in our PERFECTION, Ecclesiastes 1:13, Romans 8:18-23.

Hidden Secrets About Man

This one is going to grab you.  Every living spirit is a small piece of Father’s LIFE, His Person.  There is only one Living One and that is the Creator.  He is so BIG that it took time for Him to show us “WHO” He is.  God is so BIG that HE IS ALL THERE IS.  Space, galaxies, star systems, the universe,  are all part of His insides.  We men live inside his left foot.  You are not a human being “by yourself”.  The “life” you claim as “me, myself, and I” is just a sharing of God’s life giving you “self-awareness” as an individual person.  In short God is YOU.  He is in you and you are in Him.  There can be no separation between you.

Man did not know this about himself.  Devils even asked, “What is man that thou art mindful of him”, Hebrews 2:6-7.  Well, we know now that each human being is a living spirit (individual cell) of God birthed on the 4 Creation Day in Heaven.  Can you understand this?  How many billions of cells make up 4 inches of your left leg?  You are living the life each single cell has.  As long as those cells are part of your leg, they are alive!  Similarly, it is the same way with us and Father-God!  When He planted us in the clay soil on earth, we came down here duly numbered with a face SEALED on us in Mother’s womb, and a unique name given to us by Father-God.  Once we are born on earth our glory is hidden, and our light is turned off.  So all we see is a newborn baby of flesh and blood.  But to most men our IMMORTAL heritage and birthright remains a hidden secret and our destiny is “unknown”.

The BIG SHOCK is that Father God is living the life each of us experience simultaneously with us.  He is giving us “memory and awareness” as we go through our paces with demons.  This is an ASTONISHING revelation for demons.  They cannot LIE TO GOD and accuse man of doing anything, when Father is right there personally experiencing whatever happens to His child.  Therefore all accusations by the power of darkness against men are summarily REJECTED by the Supreme Judge.  All the EVIL done to men was and is done to Him directly.  God, as Supreme Judge, has already rendered His verdict against devils from the Bench (Throne) early “this (Heavenly) morning”.  And He is not about to change His mind just because a bunch of convict demons want Him to burn His children with them.  “Self-defense” is this Judge’s prerogative and He is the only “Witness” we need against our demonic captors.

Malachi 3:5 And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not me, saith the LORD of hosts. 6 For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. 17 And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. 

Verdicts entered by the Supreme Judge against devils “earlier this (Heavenly) morning” do STAND as is.  It is still “TODAY” as well as “this morning”!

Enoch 10:8 Watchers have disclosed and have taught their sons. And the whole earth has been corrupted 9 through the works that were taught by Azazel: to him ascribe all sin.' And to Gabriel said the Lord: 'Proceed against the bastards and the reprobates, and against the children of fornication: and destroy [the children of fornication and] the children of the Watchers from amongst men:

Genesis 4:5-7, New English Bible , "The Lord received Abel and his gift with favor; But Cain and his gift the Lord did not receive. Cain was very angry and his face fell. Then the Lord said to Cain, Why are you so angry and cast down? If you do well you are accepted; if not SIN IS A DEMON crouching at the door. It shall be eager for you, and you will be mastered by it".

Some of you DO NOT KNOW GOD … yet after all this time!

Malachi 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. 

Devils always wanted a verdict more favorable to their wishes.  As you can see, it is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? 

What Devils Failed to Know About Themselves

Devils thought that they are better than man and on the “value scale”, they are just below God.  Man, they assumed, are next to animals, because they both have flesh bodies that rot when they die and they disappear.  What I do not know is if devils ever asked God why He made them so different from Himself.  I do not recall reading anything suggesting that they ever inquired about that from the Creator.  I do know that it was a great mistake to turn on God and fight against His rule in His own House!  That mistake resulted in a quick exit into the bottomless pit.

Secrets of Enoch 26:1 And I summoned the very lowest a second time, and said: 'Let Archas come forth hard,' and he came forth hard from the invisible. And Archas came forth, hard, heavy, and very red. 2 And I said: 'Be opened, Archas, and let there be born from thee,' and he came undone, an age came forth, very great and very dark, bearing 3 the creation of all lower things, and I saw that it was good and said to him: 'Go thou down below, and make thyself firm, and be for a foundation for the lower things,' and it happened and he went down and fixed himself, and became the foundation for the lower things, and below the darkness there is nothing else.

Secrets of Enoch 29:3 and from the fire I created the orders of the incorporeal ten troops of angels, and their weapons are fiery and their raiment a burning flame, and I commanded that each one should stand in his order. 4 And one from out the order of angels, having turned away with the order that was under him, conceived an impossible thought, to place his throne higher than the clouds above the earth, that he might become equal in rank to my power. And I threw him out from the height with his angels, and he was flying in the air continuously above the bottomless.

The powers of darkness are NEGATIVE and EVIL.  They are a deliberate creation.  They are “non-living” android “tools”.  They are machines with artificial intelligence and power to replicate.  Their nature was programmed into them at creation.  All that is not of God and not like God’s nature was fixed into them to provide CONTRAST to our TRUE nature of GOOD.  So by facing devils we will get a NEGATIVE CONTRAST baseline experience in our “exercise” with darkness.  This will help us learn the value of GOOD CONDUCT and righteous ways as we learn by comparison and contrast.  Devils were not aware that they are “throw away tools” to be discarded after use.  Once all the children in the nursery have been on earth and faced devils, their services will no longer be needed, nor required.  At that point their “countdown to execution” will be over, and devils will become kindling for our Family “bonfire” celebration.  How do you like me now demons?  Your presence in God’s positive creations will END when you burn to nothing and disappear.  Father will then erase the memory of your presence out of our minds and you will go into oblivion.  It will be as though you never existed at all.  All is well that ends well, so I’ve heard!  What do you think?

Friday, June 2, 2017

Revelation 14:13

Revelation 14:13


Revelation 14:13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.

2 Corinthians 6:16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 

Matthew 25:37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? 38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? 39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? 40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. 

Isaiah 63:9 In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old.

Acts 17:27 That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us: 28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.

We all actually live inside Father-God's foot.  Did He not tell us planet "Earth is My footstool"? Isaiah 60:1.  Since Father-God is in each human being, sharing His life with that person and giving him self-awareness and making him a sentient being, I need to ask you this question.  What other way is there for a man to die except "in the Lord"?  There is no "OTHER WAY" for a man to die!

Deuteronomy 32:39 See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. 

Isaiah 45:6 That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. 7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. 

Okay, Creator-God!  You have pronounced a BLESSING upon "those who die in you", and yet that is THE ONLY WAY A MAN CAN DIE!  Please SHOW US HOW THIS BLESSING COMES!

Hosea 13:14 I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death: O death, I will be thy plagues; O grave, I will be thy destruction: repentance shall be hid from mine eyes. 

Isaiah 46:3 Hearken unto me, O house of Jacob, and all the remnant of the house of Israel, which are borne by me from the belly, which are carried from the womb: 4 And even to your old age I am he; and even to hoar hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you. 

Isaiah 48:13 Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together.

Joel 2:32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call.

Malachi 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. 17 And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. 

Revelation 6:9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: 10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? 11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. 

Isaiah 66:18 For I know their works and their thoughts: it shall come, that I will gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come, and see my glory.22 For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain. 23 And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD.

Ecclesiastes 12:7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. 

Ecclesiastes 4:2 Wherefore I praised the dead which are already dead more than the living which are yet alive. 3 Yea, better is he than both they, which hath not yet been, who hath not seen the evil work that is done under the sun. 


That blessing in our HEADLINE applies to any human being no matter what circumstances result in his death.  Because we exist inside the Creator’s foot, we can only “die in the Lord” literally.  And as Solomon wrote, “better is he than both they, which hath not yet been, who hath not seen the evil work that is done under the sun”.   God-speak” can be a tricky proposition.  You have to be a “lawyer” knowing the Word just to fathom what He is telling us!